After the success of the Maginot line trail following its inauguration in September 2022, our members embarked on the development of new elements, firstly the blocks of the Galgenberg fort.
The project consisted of creating two loops connecting to the original trail, the first allowing you to discover block 4 (81mm turret) and block 3 (machine gun turret). The second loop, in the near future, would make it possible to approach infantry blocks 1 and 2. After these loops have been completed, a connection to the Sonnenberg casemate will be considered.

In recent weeks, work on the first loop (White Extension) has progressed well. The various paths have been opened and will soon be marked with signs.
Here the start of the loop at the Men’s entrance :

Block 4 (81mm turret) was in 2023 the first block to be freed from vegetation. Our members had cleared the surrounding areas and started stripping the slab, to avoid the too regular accumulation of brambles and other plants in its basin, as was the case after the clearing carried out in 2013.
Here is a before/after of the turret environment:

Block 3 (machine gun turret) was the main objective of our members during recent interventions. In fact, the block had been cleared and repainted at the end of the 1990s, then cleared in 2013, but the vegetation had largely regained its rights in 10 years.
Here are also some photos to illustrate the progress of the work:

The rest of the work will consist of completing the stripping of the slab of block 4, clearing the remaining brush in block 3, mowing the path to get rid of the remaining leaves and branches and finally installing the direction and description signs.
See you soon on the Maginot line trail and in our fortifications!