
Practical information to visit the Galgenberg.

Visit duration: about 1h30. Inside temperature: 11°C. Provide warm clothing and good shoes. Free parking for buses and cars is available at the entrance. We are at your disposal for any further information or suggestion (fortification sites in the area, catering, hotels…); simply send us an e-mail.

Adults (over 18) : 8 €
Youth (between 12 and 18) : 4 €
Kids (under 12) : free
Groups by reservation : from 1 to 4 = 20 €, all other visitors 5 € each

The visit of the outside bunkers may – if requested – extend in the forest from Bois Karre up to Galgenberg.

  • The fort Galgenberg is open the whole year by reservation using the contact facilities (phone or e-mail) indicated on the internet site.
  • The infantry fort Bois Karre is open each Saturday afternoon (visit at 2:30 pm).
  • Anyway, we are open year-round by appointment for visits in English.